Friday, 29 December 2006

14--6-2022 Ever time they cause me pain they are dropping them selves in it

14-6-2022 time 9-12am when I end up in hospital because they were causing me extreme pain to my toes the doctor decide that the pain was because the nerves in my feet were damaged and I am not surprised because they have been targeting them for years on and off 
On that Friday I knew they would not stop and use it as a way to make me take down my blog I can not put in to words how painful it was I put up with it for hour and told them if they did not stop I would send for an ambulance they said I would not dare -what I do know is because I have hart problems that when I am under really stress it make my stats go all over the place by the time I got in to hospital I was crying and my sister came up to sit with me I took pain killer and of cause they did no good because they turned up the pain and did not start to easy off until late Saturday I spent all day crying and popping pain killers until they brought me Amitriptyline and told me it was an antidepressant I told them I was not depressed but fed up up and some time people say they are depressed when they mean fed up they then told me they were giving me them to kill the pain and if I took them I would have no pain but would have to take them for life, I agreed to take them knowing they would never be able to cause me pain again because if they did they would give them selves away they stop real  pain but not what is caused by there weapon -I told them I would use there pain against them and they did not think it could be done -In the past I have sent for an ambulance when they caused me pain to by back and they found it was swollen and I have it in writing and it is on my medical records - I went to A and E once because my neck was swollen and that is on my medical records as well when they ask me how it happened I just look blank and let them come to there own conclusion
so now ever time I say they are causing me pain or sensation that I should not be feeling they are dropping them selves in it 


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