Friday, 29 December 2006

18-6-2022 they keep rolling the dice will they always get 6

the woman on duty has been raping me for the last hour with what feels like a bee sounds -how they think this feel like natural soreness I do not no - all there pain and sensation are man made and what they think natural pain and sensation your body provides with when you are hurt I do not know it they tested these out before they started selling these weapon and where told they felt natural they were lied to and if I was the buy I would be asking for my money back under the trades description act 

what should you do when your plan does not work out give up or go on -
 It depends what you are trying to achieve if your objective is murder and it dose not work out as you wish by the time you think it should happen you are left with a problem should you go on and spend more money and time or  walk away and go with the what you have found out about the weapons you have been using knowing they will never for fill your wish for a quick answer to you think is a quick answer to getting rid of people you think are a nuisance
 if you go on you have to turn up your weapon and target your victim with more pain and increase the time you do it and they still live and you have no power over them what do you do -
 your other problem is your victim is getting older and because of what you have done as nothing to lose you can not threaten them with any thing because you have used your whole range of pain and sensation on them 
On top of this you have in the past tortured said person to put thing on the a blog that will send you to prison for life and have no way of getting it down because you can not undo what you have done 
On top of this you have said that because you are police officer that if you give your word you can break it because you are police officer and you have all so told said victim  that it dose not matter what they do you are going to do what you are doing until they are on there death bed and the last voice they hear will be there 
what do you do next that is the big question 


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