Friday, 29 December 2006

28-6-2022 they used a new pain on my private parts

28-6-2022 time 6-29pm they say they want to bring me down I think what they mean is they want me to give in - In other words they want me to take down my blog but I can not do that 
If by bring me down they mean physically well I am now 76 so that won't be hard to do if they mean mantally  they will find it a lot harder because if that was going to happen it would have happened a long time ago 
every day they beg me to give them a change what they mean by this is they want me to take down my blog and do as they say 
they say if I take down my blog they will leave me alone but they lie all the time on the odd occasion I have taken stuff down when they have promised not targeted my eye or what ever they have never once kept there word 


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