Friday, 29 December 2006

4-7-2022 The Metropolitan police are evil

4-7-2022 I have had a dreadful night the men on duty woke me for no other reason then to rape me 
normal when they wake me up they make me want to pee they then rape me and I go back to sleep - Last night they woke me up and raped me for an hour and when I fell asleep they woke me up again by raping me how long this went on for I do not no they they woke me at 5am I had a pee and some grapes and went back to bed and had a sleep 
the woman on duty has tried to stop me posting this by raping me and saying that was why she was doing it 
when they started raping me I could just about feel it and they said to they wanted a place to target me 24/7 that would go unnoticed then they tried other pain and sensation now they are hooked on what they are doing and they have called it just a bit of fun
they never talk to me they talk to each other when they want me to know any thing it all ways starts 'with tell her ' these people are evil


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