Friday, 29 December 2006

6-7-2022 cream -MRSA and them

 6-7-2022 time 9-11am I could not get to sleep last night it be because I slept so much in the day I was still awake at about 5am any way had some sleep after that and this morning feel ok I do wonder if that is because they had no time to target my head when they do I have strange dreams and never feel as if I have been asleep 

what I have found out is that there yellow stuff shows up in my cream when I wash it off they were making my groins sore all of the time and I put this cream on and when I went to wipe it off before showring it had gone yellow if has stopped them from targeting me there for the time been because if I end up in hospital they take a swab of my groin and it would come out yellow and they wonder what it is and when I said I did not no they would be bound to have it tested and look at my groin and the rest of my body they would find the same kind of scaring under my bust and under my arm 


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