Friday, 29 December 2006

1-12-2022 All she is trying to do is make a name for herself

1-12-2022 time 3-33am I went to bed at 8pm because I was not feeling to good -I drifted in and out of sleep until the woman on duty woke me up by raping me with the itch and sensation when I went to the loo as you can see she has made me bleed 
not happy with that she has targeted my toes with pain and has been threatening me by saying she is going to cause as much pain to my feet as it takes to make me take down my blog 
she also thinks that I can not send for an ambulance if the pain got to a stage that I could not stand it yet again she is wrong when they cause me extreme pain effects my hart and blood pressure
there other problem is that the ambulance people or the doctors can not make out what is going on as the pills they have given me stop the pain completely 
some years ago a man stood on my foot and broke my toes and they have targeted my foot god knows how many times the pills will stop the pain what they won't do is repair the damage 
I went back to bed and got up at 7-45 am to more threats about what would happen to me if I did not shower they have away of making you hot or cold this morning she way making me cold so in the end I did not shower because my brething was not good and getting cold makes it worse 



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