Friday, 29 December 2006

11-12-2022 Rolling the dice

11-12-2022 time 10-36am 
They are still causing me flicks of pain to my feet but the pills I am on take away any pain I would have if the pain were naturel pain my blood test did show that I may have gout but they could not understand why I was in so much pain 
this leaves them with a problem there pain over rides the pills so if they keep on the truth will out it always dose and now they feel they have lost the only thing that would have brought me down in other words made me take down my blog and they keep asking each other what they are going to do next 
They can keep rolling the dice and carry on with what they are doing or they can walk way from this and hope no body knock on there door 
They keep asking me to give my word that I will not post I can not do this and I only ever post what they have done for me to stop they have to stop what they are doing that way I would have nothing to post 


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