Friday, 29 December 2006

3-12-2022 they have caused me pain to my big toe all day

3-12-2022 what they fail to understand is that they may cause me pain but when I end up in hospital they can not fine any evidence of an injury and that is what confuse them and ever time I end up in A and E because of them it goes on my records and when this ends up in court it will go against them
I am posting this now in case I end up in A and E because it is the only way I have of getting them to stop

she then thought they might think it is arthritis and when it dose not show up in my blood
when they targeted my toes they thought it would be put down to gout and after a blood test was told I did not have it 

they caused the same pain to my finger and there is a lump on it that dose not go away 

she is now saying she thought I would send for ambulance 
and because they had kept the pain at a level that my blood pressure would not go up and it would not effect my hart
what they did not allow for is that my foot would swell up and there would be no bruising to indicate an injury 

I am in bed and she was still causing me pain
and she said it was to stop me posting in the morning 
which make no sense because by then I will have started to get use to the pain and there will be more to post

                                           now my foot is so swollen you can't see the lump


time 9-56am
you can see the lump on my toe in this pic


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