Wednesday 31 December 2003

13--8-18 letterbto Cressida Dick - missing the boat

13-8-18 time 4-56am

I had quite a nice day yesterday in the morning I made some cheese biscuits and some cupcake made with oats and nuts seeds I will have to post the recipe because they are real nice then sat and did my needle work
I think the woman  came on duty about 4ish what I do know is she was on duty at 5pm when I started to cook my evening meal because she started to target my groin and up until then they had left me alone - the then went through there routine of why she should not be doing it and carried on, I went on Facebook for a bit and went to bed
god knows why I bother because she woke me up at midnight and again at 2am and hear I am at 5am because she woke me at 4am and then targeted my legs with sensation to keep me awake ] right now she is saying to ever is sitting next to her that I do not mind them doing this - it is a lie I mind ever thing they do to me and it is not for the first time this week I have said this
she said she had woken me again because I had not peed enough in the night - the only reason they make me pee is that is the one thing they have control over that gets them a result and make them feel as if they are winning - they try and make me compliant with pain and I never give in they think by now I should be begging them to stop or saying I will do anything they say because I can cause me pain - all I can say is good luck with that plan because it will never work - they missed the boat had they told me what to do the first night they did this to me I would have done anything to stop them but they told me to get use to it - so I did and now I work my day around them filling there boots regardless of the pain they cause now, they now want to make me compliant because they  thought I would be dead with in six months of them starting all this they never once thought what they would do if I did not die and never gave themselves a cut of date now they feel like looser because I am still hear -
   this is what happens when you take on good working stock you put yourself up to fail ask any of
                                                                    the 99%

I use to live on a boat when this started in 2003 

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