Friday 4 December 2015

158 Letter to Hogan Howe I have to say SORRY this morning 7-7-14- (leg)

I went to find some thing from an old file and could not find it and accused the Metropolitan police of deleting my post, I have found them by turning the page at the top of posting so I am sorry for that, they are guilty of enough with out me telling fibs, it was a genuine mistake  - no cream cake from me to day
I am so distract by the pain they are causing at the moment that is why I made a mistake 

it has taken many year to make the low part of my leg like this - they have caused sore on it and used heat and what I call hard pain, some time they have used what feels like an electric shock and much more

my eye yesterday

my bust this morning the office a man said he had done this so I could not put a bra on and would not be able to go out 

I made this video at the time

just got in to bed

the woman on duty yesterday

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