Sunday 4 December 2005

455 letter to Hogan Howe when the penny drops 9-7-15 still in extreem pain

time 5-20 
and by the way Hogan Howe they said you were peeping in today enjoy yourself did you

trying to make me have a stroke

Holby city 
beneath the mask
series 17 episode 39

and this is Dominic who this week treated a woman who had a small stroke and there was a lump in her neck  as soon as the it had finished they started on my neck causing me pain until I could not move my head so spent yesterday in bed laying down only to get up to do what I had to do 


yo can see the brusing on my neck and how it gose in to my hair line 

it all so effects my face -my neck is very swollen and the pain is over unbearable
yesterday I could not hardly eat forced my self to have an egg sandwich and some jelly and ice cream and that was an effort 

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