Sunday 4 December 2005

307 letter to Hogan Howe my lips have zips 30-1-15-

I have been shopping this morning and the car park was like a sheet of ice but thanks to a very able driver we all got there and back 
we shop and sit and wait for the bus to come back for us, I all ways finish first and got and wait for the others, while I sit I listen to what ever who ever has to say who sit next to me, they tell me about the pills they are on and there falls and what ever is on there minds, telling a strange your secrets is one way of keeping them secret, 
this morning the lady who spoke to told me how silly her sister was because she would not listen and kept falling over and I now know ever pill she is on, 
this has been my roll through out my life to listen and my mum was the same people told her things as they do me, good job my lips have zips 





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