Wednesday 31 December 2003

2-7-18 Letter to Letter to Cressida Dick you need to step up to the plate

time 4-04pm there are two so called men on duty and they have spent there time on duty targeting my groin to make it sore because they get of on it -you may ask your self why because right now they can not target under my bust because I keep have hart test and xray in fact have been for an xray to day 

Cressida when are you going to start employing men who do not get off on abusing woman 
Long time ago one of your office said that when his wife stepped out of line he slapped her

and just for the record I no one of your male office had a son who sadly was on drugs I hope he worked through it but with a dad who dose this for a living it make you wonder what kind of home life he had 

another was worried at one time that if they were found out that they would not be able to foster any more and the effect it would have on his wife 
another had a daughter who wanted to be a vet but did not want to pay for accommodation   and the person who he telling was shocked in fact what he said ' on what we are earning you should be able to afford that ' 

and how is Milly she was born in 2004 while I was still on the boat 
all one has a son called Max I meet him in Grange Over Sands he was jumping up and down on his mum knee and caught his face on the back of the seat and I ask the owner to get a ice cream to take away the pain 
I could go on but have had a trying day 

what is that saying lose lip cost lives may be in this case it will be freedom - families and big fat pension

this is under my bust which has left scaring that dose not seam to be going 

this is my groin this photo was take just a few moments ago 
when you see my bust and groin the sore and the what they leave are just the same
when I went to see the nurse she gave me some cream for under my bust but it dose not work the only thing that works is them stopping what they are doing

sorry I have posted this but they said I would not dare
so had to unlike them I am not a wimp 

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