Wednesday 31 December 2003

28-5-18 - what I have found out is thinking you are going to die make you fight for life

28-5-18 time 11-08
I spent yesterday at the hospital because my chest was so bad 
On Saturday I phoned 111 and they were going to send an ambulance but before it got to me I feel and when I was laying  on the floor I started with a panic attack because as I went to lay down they targeted the neck and it is not the first time they have done this my breathing because so bad I thought I would die I got to the door and open  because I need some air and got my self on to the top step and pulled my self up and got back to my chair I phoned the ambulance and told them I had got up and told them not to come because by that time I felt to ill to go in to hospital

when I go to bed normally or what is normally for me when I turn on my left side they target my neck it is like having a someone standing behind you and putting a finger on your neck and pressing - get someone to do it you and you will see how horrible it feels in the past I have been gasping for breath 
They though because I was on the floor I would not be able to do anything and would have to hope the ambulance would come but what I have learnt is that when you thing you are truly going to die you will do ever thing you can to keep living - i have told my sister part of what happened and the next time I am to ring her and she will come and send for an ambulance as I can not talk but she will know it is me 
all so many year ago I look after a lady who use to send for me by using a fog horn in a tin and it could be heard a mile way bet you can't guess what I am going to buy to morrow

All day they have been saying that they want me off there books what ever that means 

this what they look like 

to day I made a wedge for the top of my bed by cutting the one I had for my legs in half I have to say it real took it out of me but I will never lay flat again 
now I have to pluck up the courage to go to bed I Thursday or Friday was the last time I went to bed I have been sitting in the chair all night 

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